Most people know where to find the lower end metals such as copper, tin, and iron so I will not bore you with that. The real money lies in mithril and above.
Deposits may be found in Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Azshara, Badlands, Blasted Lands, Burning Steppes, Dustwallow Marsh, Eastern Plaguelands, Felwood, Feralas, Hillsbrad Foothills, Searing Gorge, Silithus, Stonetalon Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, Tanaris, The Hinterlands, Thousand Needles, Western Plaguelands, and Winterspring.

This ATV is powered by a Rotax 799.9cc, V-twin, liquid-cooled, SOHC, 8-valve engine. This powerplant is fuel-injected so it kicks out excellent throttle response and performance, no matter what the temperature or altitude. This power is routed through a CVT transmission that features engine braking to help you slow down when descending a hill. The machine is shaft-driven and it has selectable two- and four-wheel drive with a Visco-Lok front differential. This diff constantly monitors front wheel speed and, if it detects one wheel spinning faster than the other, it progressively sends power to the wheel with better traction.